What Do You Play?

The Client

5-7 Year Olds

The Project Scope

Print design

The Challenge

Create a guidebook for 5-7 year old children about instruments. The goal for this book is for children to be exposed to various instruments, so they know which one they might start to learn to play. The book needs to be interactive, educational, inspiring, and fun. The deliverables include 20+ illustrations, write the content, and design the cover and pages for this guidebook.


Playing music is known to have a great effect on a child’s cognitive development but instruments can be hard to explain.

I found inspiration and guidance in children’s books for the age range for 5-7 year olds. It helped me to learn what tone of voice and words to use as well as appropriate complexity.



I focused on simplicity and bold use of color. I found a lot of inspiration from other child's books to relate to the content and imagery used. I wanted it to be playful and simplified.

Instrument Illustrations

Keeping in mind the age of the children using this book, content was minimized by only including a few short statements about the instrument with labeled parts of each instrument.

Color coded pages aided visual organization so that each section of instruments felt consistent and were clear visual markers for each unit.

QR Code & DIY Activities

With help from the parent, a QR code leads the child to a website where they can listen to the instruments of that particular music group.

DIY activities are listed at the end of the book, so a child could "build" their own instrument
and play it to understand the parts of the instrument and discover if they enjoy playing it.


The Miami Student Magazine