The miami student magazine

The Client

The Miami Student Magazine

The Project Scope

Editorial design

The Challenge

Create graphics, illustrations, and layouts defined by the stories written by writers for The Miami Student Magazine. Collaborate with art director of TMSM Mason Thompson for layouts. These stories from Issues VII and VIII can be read online here.

Sanitized and Scared

"And in your head, you're convinced that you are going to die."

Mood Board for “Sanitized and Scared”

The story is about a girl named Jenna who is diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Hypochondriasis. The story talks about her struggle in the midst of the beginning of the spread of the COVID-19 and how it has distorted her life.

Gemstone Children Prophecy

Illustrations for “Gemstone Children Prophecy”

Mood Board for “Gemstone Children Prophecy”

This story is a twofold article with a poem and explanation of the characters of the poem and writer’s thought process. The author talks about the complex and obtrusive thoughts that roam her mind, and how the “characters” in her mind all have different tasks.

Meeting Dana

Dana’s journey to health

Mood Board for “Meeting Dana”

The story is about a pit bull mix puppy who was rescued and fostered. When her foster owner found Dana, she was incredibly malnourished and gradually achieved a healthy weight.


Photo illustration for “Scorched”

Mood Board for “Scorched”

This story is about the tragedy of the California wildfires during the Summer and Fall of 2020. The author interviews Californian Miamians about how they feel about what is happening in the state where they grew up. They often felt disconnected and helplesss from the horrible events because of the distance.


Food Empowerment Project


What Do You Play?