Food Empowerment Project

The Client

Food Empowerment Project Organization

The Project Scope

Brand design
Print design
UX design
Stop motion design

The Challenge

Create brand refresh for the client, refocus their cause, and create a strategy for their fast-food awareness campaign. Deliverables include logo transformation, website rebrand, and advertisements for social media and print posters.


The client wanted to refocus their mission to fast-food awareness and offering healthy alternatives to those in low-income areas. This focus on one mission gave the organization much more strength and opportunity for greater impact for their cause.


Updating the brand style helped strengthen their mission and brought more professionalism to their cause through style consistency. It focused on their mission of providing awareness of unhealthy food as well as providing resources for how to obtain healthier foods.

Logo update process

Website Content Layout


Fast-Food Awareness Campaign

The Food Empowerment Project is also about empowering others by educating them about how what they eat
impacts their body and mind. This campaign provides visuals that demand attention while offering information
about the dangerous chemicals in common fast-food.

Fast-food campaign Instagram advertisement

Food Empowerment Project food truck


Highwire Experience


The Miami Student Magazine