
The Client

Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park

The Project Scope

Brand design
UX design
Experience design

The Challenge

Create a self-guided scavenger tour app for the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park. My goal was to make this scavenger hunt an educational and exciting experience for children.


The XPLOR app is a self-guided scavenger hunt for sculptures through the Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park. It offers clues and a map to help the child find each sculpture on the map. It is designed to be interactive so that both child and parent can enjoy this experience and learn some new things along the way.

The tour style can be changed through settings to fit the needs of the child by including more activities that are more specific to their interests as well as changing appropriate content for every age.

Milestones of a 5 Year Old

  • Sensory & Motor Skills

    • somersault and possibly skip

    • swing and climb

    • hop on one foot

  • Language

    • carry on meaningful conversation

    • understand relationships between objects

    • talk about or tell stories

  • Emotional & Social

    • agree to rules most of the time

    • show independence

    • enjoy playing make-believe

  • Thinking & Reasoning

    • can count 10 or more objects

    • know the names of at least 4 colors

    • understand the basic concepts of time


Inspiration from Khan Academy Kids, Tinkergarten, and LovEvery


I created paper prototypes of the app to test the flow and activities of the app. I explained the idea for the app and received feedback for shortening the length of sentences, adding an audio feature, and including more imaginative activities.


I explored ways of creating characters, color, pattern, layout and pieces of the app that would be engaging for kids.

App in Use

Onboarding Experience

  • Tour options

  • Parent instructions

  • Create your own character


User Tour Activity Experience

  • Clues: color, texture, height

  • Map

  • Found sculpture reward

  • Activities

  • Camera for photo activities


Iphone stand

Photo collage




Highwire Experience